Tag Archives: Voices


After all, it is my own stupid fault.

I certified you to live, breathe; fester like a germ in a blocked sink,

inside my head and was never surprised when you drew across the bolt

and tunnelled your way to where you grandstand at what I think.


Your expertise, I applauded, for who could not admire the sense

of purpose you showed in whispering in my ear,

of living with easy contempt with every pound, shilling and pence

worth of damned words at my chosen life and career.


The Shadow Theatre, Voices. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Good things come to those who wait…so it is said. Like a punishment handed down from your parents or school teachers as they try to impress upon you the art in queuing, a particular skill that is required to be British it seems, waiting is a virtue.

Voices, Theatre Review. 81 Renshaw Street, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

In today’s world, art can be seen as being under threat. There are many who knock the idea of the young band making their way slowly into the world of performance, insisting that they should be concentrating on being a valuable member of society by finding a “real” job. The same goes for aspiring playwrights, poets and performers, too easily knocked for having an idea or wanting to be creative.