Tag Archives: Villains. Album Review.

Queens Of The Stone Age, Villains. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The Devil may have your back but who is leading you by the hand, sometimes it is hard to know who the real Villains are.

The return of Queens of The Stone Age to forefront of rock always seems assured, the years in between are inconsequential, they are just the time served to truly relish in the works by the band. Some might call it criminal to spend so far away from the limelight, the constant need of some fans, of any group or solo artist to have a continuous grip of the soul of their favourite performer; however the time spent away is always well spent in a group of the magnitude of Queens of The Stone Age. The Villains and the heroes of the peace always have always been on the same side, they just utilise their time differently.