Tag Archives: Tom Vamos

Tom Vamos, Magnet Shield. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

In life, there are so few things you can count upon to stay true to their original purpose or their standpoint and ethic; fluidity is a virtue but so is being able to stand tall and counter argue with passion why some are going off course and heading into the unknown, without a map, without a torch and without hope.

Tom Vamos, Love Sharks. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

To be raw is to revel in a glory that the polished will never quite understand. To be raw, to lay down a law of music that must be appreciated for its frankness and its blunt charm is to gather at the gates of honesty and hang loose, drape your future colours over the past and play with deft cool.

It is a rawness that Tom Vamos brings happily to his debut solo E.P., Love Sharks, an ache of knowing that you are standing upon your own two feet and delivering your own personal message, and whilst there may be good people alongside you, that sense of personality is all yours.