Tag Archives: The New 52

The New 52, Let Me Sleep. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

It might sound as if the idea was to make Darragh Cullen a superhero, to don the spandex and the secret identity, to fight the crime of poor manufactured music by television moguls who have no idea what an inspired and beautiful song really sounds like. It could easily be an homage to the world of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, of dark alleyways and illuminated sidewalks, the hero stands tall and the people of the world who pray for musical salvation, The New 52’s Let Me Sleep sees justice done.

The Flash: Move Forward. Graphic Novel Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

D.C. Comics’ Justice League has so many parts to it, so many interesting characters within its framework that at times the reader could be forgiven for overlooking perhaps one of the more interesting members within its ranks, that of Police Scientist Barry Allen, A.K.A The Flash.

With American television finally producing a television series of one of D.C.’s finest creations, on the back of the success that The Arrow has had, The Flash seems finally ready to take his place in the wider world of acknowledgement as the great hero he has always been.

Justice League, Volume Two: The Villain’s Journey. Graphic Novel Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Whatever they were paying Geoff Johns at D.C. Comics, to be honest it really was not enough. Almost single handed, (when isn’t writing a single handed occupation unless it involves film scripts and American television comedy?) he revitalised, what was in the eyes of many a dying flag ship, the crumbling dust of an empire that had been ground seemingly apart by Marvel’s prodigious output and the emergence of some true independent greats. Whether Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Terminator, Locke & Key or any other superbly written graphic art novel, D.C. seemed to be only holding together in part due to the bankability of its greatest creation, Batman.