Tag Archives: The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco. Charlotte’s Web/Madhouse. Television Review.

The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco. Charlotte’s Web/Madhouse. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 5/10

Cast: Julie Graham, Rachael Stirling, Crystal Balint, Chanelle Peloso, Jennifer Spence, Jessica Harmon, Jordana Largy, Peter Benson, Sarah Smyth, Jesse Moss, Paul McGillion, Colin Lawrence, Luke Camilleri, Arron Craven, Emma Flemington, Andrew Neil McKenzie, Brendan Riggs, Ben Cotton.

Not all deaths are murders, some are just accidents, some have the sadness and heartbreak of suicide attached to them, and some are just unexplainable, they fall into the realm where Morpheus takes a gentle hand and eases the soul in its time of despair; not all deaths are murders but the ones that can be corrupted by the foul stench of profit and the act of greed are arguably amongst the most insidious to bear.