Tag Archives: Sue Hedges

Sue Hedges, Songs In A Different Light. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

All that you believe that you know, is but a partial understanding of the whole picture. We see the finished canvas that has had artist’s angst plagued upon it, the countless hours of dedication, of fear, of joy, but we never notice, unless we are truly fortunate, the change that overcomes, not just the painter, but every artist or lover of a particular skill to which they not only want to master, but which they wish to adapt, to bend in a new and exciting direction.

Sue Hedges, I’ll Come For You. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

There is nothing wrong with a wonderfully observed scare, it all depends on the delivery, the resonance of feeling in which it is felt, and should the story be conveyed by the surrounding of a joyful tune, one that without words would take on a completely different meaning, then so much the better.

Sue Hedges, Strong. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Sue Hedges has never been known for hiding in the corner, confidence, preparation and a voice that knows how to box the ears of those whose ignorance betrays them. Strong is as strong does, it is alright to appear so but you must have the compassion that goes along with it and as the listener takes in Ms. Hedges’ new album, one thought makes itself known, that this could be regarded as the next peak to be scaled and one brilliantly traversed.

Sue Hedges, Always Xmas. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It can be a double edged sword, in some respects Christmas is a time when the world seems to breathe, it collects its thoughts in the wild winter and the hope of in-bound days, the warm fire jostling for perspective and memories of days where the dripping of slowly thawing snow onto the hall way floor competes with the sense of isolation, enforced or otherwise and the crush that such a time can have on the soul.

Sue Hedges, Outta Party. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The person who said you cannot do it all, had either never met Liverpool song writer Sue Hedges or was perhaps so embittered by life, that they were doing all they could do to put anybody off trying their best and enjoying fruits of many labours.