Tag Archives: Stuart Todd

Stuart Todd, The Leaving Of San Francisco. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The very name evokes images that split the heart, the mind and the emotions contained within. To some San Francisco is a by word of an era that never lived up to its potential, a symbolic gesture now dashed upon the rocks of commercialism, of a thought that has come to despise such notions of free love, radical politics and anti-war truth and made to cheapen them, made to see the age of Aquarius as nothing more than a desperate attempt to lead humanity away from the dogma of Capitalism.

John Jenkins, Window Shopping In Nashville. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Epics come and epics go, some will stand the test of time and others fall into the trap of becoming side-lined, browning with age, bleached in part by the weather streaming against the frames and forgotten, a dusty reminder of what they once stood for in the pantheon of music.

Liverpool Acoustic Collective, Someday We’ll See Better Days. Single Review.

There are moments when the world, or at least certain people with decency in their hearts and the courage in their minds, is able to make a huge difference. There are many problems to be discussed, to be addressed and be solved, no matter how far we come as a civilisation, no matter the dizzy heights of industrial might, of reaching out beyond our mortal capability into the stars and the progress of technical know-how, people fall through the gaps. They become unseen, almost invisible, past the point of sight until they blur into their surroundings and whether it is through the actions of someone else or their own misfortune, brought on perhaps by a Government and others that just don’t care, the cracks open up regardless and the streets, the parks and the obscured shadows become the home of the dispossessed and the homeless.