Tag Archives: Sons of Mowgli

Sons Of Mowgli, Wasted Years. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

We have a propensity to squander years and not regret them and yet the minutes in between, the subtly of the clock marching slowly onwards, we find ourselves consumed with appearing busy. The ever watchful eye of those we place above us confirming to us that it is in the here and now that we are forever seeking solace and reassurance, that the years themselves can take care of themselves, for who truly thinks of five or ten years ahead when we don’t even know how we will be looked upon tomorrow.

Sons Of Mowgli, We Had A Time. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Time may move on, it may even stoke up the type of variations in quick succession that Charles Darwin spent most of his life studying but when it comes to the natural progression of a band, from one spectrum to another, the sweet sound of Sons of Mowgli is hard to beat. One that words of praise readily rests on the lips of the listener as they take in the words of the folk five-piece from Hoylake.

Sons Of Mowgli, Gig Review. St. Luke’s Church, Liverpool.

Sons Of Mowgli, St Luke's Church, Liverpool. August 2014.

Sons Of Mowgli, St Luke’s Church, Liverpool. August 2014.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It is often reported as a matter of fact that every living Human on the planet could stand side by side on the Isle of Wight, aside from the logistical nightmare and the social faux pas of finding yourself next to someone who thinks they are a clever so and so and refusing to shake your hand, just exactly how would you entertain everybody whilst the experiment was proved? If you made everybody listen to an I-Pod and made sure that the first songs they heard were by Wirral-band Sons of Mowgli, then at least whilst wondering why you would conduct such an insane experiment, the people stood shoulder to shoulder on the Isle of Wight would have something decent to listen to.

Sons Of Mowgli, Come What May. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

No matter how good you are, how unique you sound, the freshness you bring to the table, trying to stand out in a world that has seven billion people all trying to carve themselves a little notch of history and to be remembered for the spirit and talent they possess can be a daunting and sometimes discouraging prospect in a world that even now, is essentially a jungle.