Tag Archives: Sheila K. Cameron

Sheila K. Cameron, Those They Chose. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

As we grow older, we often forget that it is our right to choose, that the heroines and heroes we look up to are nobody’s business but our own, that the way we live our lives, the hobbies, the personal items, the places we see and things we do, as long as we are not hurting someone else in the process, are our own validated memories to keep. The same goes for others, we have no right to implore our lives and likes onto them, for they stand also by the mantra, of Those They Chose.

Sheila K. Cameron, The Unknowable Next: Spoken Words. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Poetic thought can come from anywhere, it just takes the right circumstances for it to be seen and appreciated for the beauty and the scars that it contains.

For scars are what makes poetry believable, intense and bound to the author, a rose may well just smell as sweet but if it hasn’t been plucked forcibly from the ground or snipped at the hem of the bush can it truly represent all the anguish it which a teenage heart wishes to install into the meaning of presenting it to their love.

Sheila K Cameron, Kiss Deep And The Missing Beat. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

You don’t have to pucker the lips in order to Kiss Deep, you only have touch someone with your mind, your humour and your lust for life in order to reach them in a way that no amount of amorous thought can achieve; to feel the embrace of another’s words is not just a measure for good, it is the affirmation of what you believe more than anything, to be true.

Sheila K. Cameron, Past Loves. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Love is a very strange beast, we think back with fondness at those that have taken us for granted, we adore the rose tinted glasses we wear when we think of those that have let us down and we despair at the thought of those that we have left in search perhaps of a greener field or those that left because they could not bear us; modern love is all the rage but Past Loves are the ghosts that spur us on and define our actions in the present.

Sheila K. Cameron, Run Through Side A. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The raw and untouched is often more exciting than what be gleaned with an army of analysts or a crowd telling you how something should be presented; it is strange that for many they arguably are willing to sell their soul in order to see something they envisaged taken out of their control and packaged neatly as a presumed desire, as a consumable product. The raw is often delicate, it is the result of allowing a single breath to come out from underneath the shadow and stand for a while in the basking sunshine and wallow in the words of Salvador Dali, “Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.”

Sheila K. Cameron, Alone On The Road. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

If the tale is right, if the story captures the imagination, then you are never truly Alone On The Road, there will always those that are captivated and feel blessed by your words, so much so that taking them to heart is not only an option but a mantra to live by.

Sheila K. Cameron, A Perfect Landing: Some Love Songs. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

To be seen as perfect is not always the ideal, to have A Perfect Landing might be seen as textbook, as rigid and completely by the book as you can get and one that doesn’t allow for any variation in imagination or in the scale of the job at hand. Yet for Sheila K, Cameron A Perfect Landing is a piece of music that the listener cannot but help care for and admire because it offers a different set of values to which the absolute never caters for, that of unblemished hope.

Sheila K. Cameron, More Like A River Than A Road. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It is the voice, the spoken word narrative that entwines itself between the songs on the More Like A River Than A Road mini album by Sheila K. Cameron, that brings out the sparkle in the recording. The pleasure of the songs is enormous but there is something about the spoken word employed to very decent effect by Ms. Cameron that suggests the music is only half the tale, that the grip on the attention of the listener is enhanced by the monologue that weaves like a stream through fields and pastures in the ceaseless search for the ocean.