Tag Archives: Salt House

Salt House, Huam. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The first time you heard the call of the owl as you wandered wearily through the forest or local woods after the dark had settled in and nature just got that little bit more real, would have arguably been the moment when you realised just how vulnerable you were to your emotions, that sound, that Huam as the Scottish language would describe it, is enough to raise the hairs on the back of your neck and make you understand that you are not the master of your environment, that the world is bigger and infinitely more complex that you first gave it credit. 

Salt House, Undersong. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It seems strange to think in a modern context that the power of empathy is in danger perhaps, not of extinction but being carelessly tossed aside as if it were a paper bag caught in an updraft and destined to fight it out with the plastic in the sea. Compassion is there in the world but somehow understanding has been replaced in some quarters by the bullying tactic of rhetoric, of tough talk and sanctions, of bluster, wind and fury.