Tag Archives: Philip Marino

Philip Marino, Chasing Ghosts. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Why do we try? The pessimists, the eternal cynics who look smugly on and the ones who proclaim to the heavens at every opportunity that what you do is worthless, that you are a constant source of failure and that you should not bother; for those are the ones whose lives are empty, perhaps even dead inside as they have no sense of hope, nowhere to put their own misgivings but in the path of those who see the idea of Chasing Ghosts as a fruitful and passionate pursuit, one that might just cause a following.

Philip Marino, Days Like These. E.P. Preview.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

October in the Catskill Mountains, the autumn weather closing in on this ridge of peaks on the cusps of the Appalachians and the scene set in the eyes of the visiting traveller, would perhaps be reminiscent Sanford Robinson Gifford’s famous painting. It would bring up the images of the Woodstock festival in Bethal or if particularly versed in the myths surrounding the area, then the old Native American squaw considering the spirits that hide and shift in the mists that descend quickly would send a shiver down the spine.