Tag Archives: No More Heroes

The Bad Shepherds, Mud, Blood And Beer. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

There are cover versions and then there are real humdingers, songs that have been given such a new lease of life that they buzz with a new purpose that thrills the musical soul. Many musicians and boy bands can recreate the sound of a much loved anthem, the pop classic, the standard bearer of a generation who knew the song inside out and adored it but somehow it gets rehashed by the latest so called boy band and the song somehow loses its power. Then there are The Bad Shepherds and the incredible folk twist they bring to music which illuminates that power and gives it a new meaning.

The Stranglers, Feline. 30th Anniversary Retrospective.

The Stranglers are arguably one of the finest bands to have come out Britain. The four men in black boast a huge dedicated following that turn up in their droves to gigs in this country and abroad and with albums and singles that have sold beyond measure. However even the most dedicated of Stranglers fans must have been surprised the direction the seventh studio album, Feline, took when released in the New Year of 1983.