Tag Archives: New York City

Pete Thomas & The Horns A Plenty, Big. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision * * * * *

When Pete Thomas says Big, he doesn’t just mean huge, enormous or giant like, he means Big, emblazed in bright neon lights, all signs pointing his way and saying that there is no other show in town for the foreseeable future and all tickets are sold out. A sound that encompasses the vastness and drive in which Pete Thomas & The Horns A Plenty take up residence in your soul and make your heart skip in time to the music in such a way that it is hard to imagine there being space for anything else in your head. Such is the power of Big, such is the power of the big band feel.

Risa Hall, Second Chance. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

When a musician from New York makes a statement it usually pays to shut up, listen intently to what follows and then take in the enormity of what they have said or sang about. Just like Liverpool, New York, the cities on each side of the Atlantic are perhaps the closest comparable ones in the world. Never mind the size and scale of the two respective places; it is the beating heart, the artistic underbelly that drives the two seemingly polar opposites together.