Tag Archives: Music For Voyeurs

Music For Voyeurs, Encounter. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

An Encounter is all you need in which to see the day, Time, your life, differently, the chance meeting, the overheard information, the prize of attaining something new and exciting and regardless of what Trevor Howard and Celia Johnson may whisper down the monotone years, an encounter doesn’t have to be brief, it doesn’t have to just a passing phase, it can lead quite happily down the road to place where angels lay in eternal blissful wait or where the Music For Voyeurs is an unbroken and irreversible passion.

Music For Voyeurs, The Curtain Are Opening. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

If there is something that binds us all at some point in our lives, it is the feeling of the fractured nature of society, the self, or our place within the two. The distressed nightmare that few will ever admit to for fear of seeming weak when in truth they are the most courageous of all, for they at least admit that life at times is nothing more than a cosmic joke played out on a poker table that has been tilted and stacked against their favour.