Tag Archives: Matthew Robb

Matthew Robb, War Without Witness. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

To be as uncompromising as you can be in a world that dictates subservience is an act of rebellion against a state that perceives a War Without Witness as power’s greatest achievement; it is a non-negotiable undertaking that we must fight power by always bearing witness, we must observe and report, never once being marginalised by those with agendas that seek the continued stance of servility.

Matthew Robb, Dead Men Have No Dreams. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

If Dead Men Have No Dreams then the living have their work cut out in attempting to fulfil their ancestors’ visions.

To honour the visions, the imaginings and the ideas of those that went before you, you must at first make sure you understand the message that they sent you during the dreaming and whilst they may be gone, turned to bones and dust, their memories still live on, through us, through the songs we sing and the instruction to the future to bear witness at the folly or the greatness we have inspired. 

Matthew Robb, Spirit In The Form. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It is not hard to feel disillusioned in a world that teeters on an abyss made up of political lies, when heroes became scapegoats, when those who seek fame for the sake of being famous are lauded as brilliant minds and when art is downgraded to nothing more than a pursuit or hobby; it is not hard to feel the cynicism when all you believe to be true is attacked by those who have not even looked beyond their own installed pre-convictions.