Tag Archives: Margot Leicester

Grace: Dead Man’s Footsteps. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: John Simm, Craig Parkinson, James D’Arcy, Zoë Tapper, Richie Campbell, Laura Elphinstone, Brad Morrison, Rakie Ayola, Dave Lynn, Katie Clarkson-Hill, Caolina Valdés, Margot Leicester, Michael Bertenshaw, Jake Fairbrother, Alexander Cobb, Clare Calbraith, Steven Hartley, Elizabeth Rider, Brian Pettifer, Amy Conachan, Nick Warnford.

Admissions, Theatre Review. Trafalgar Studios, London.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Alex Kingston, Margot Leicester, Sarah Hadland, Andrew Woodall, Ben Edelman.

We want the world to be a fairer place, the new demand for the 21st Century has to be in keeping with the way we reject the old established ways of doing things, the future is not all about the stereotypical white male view point that history has been defined by, it is about the best person being able to tell the story, regardless of creed, colour, orientation and gender. However, we also want the very best for our children, we arguably will sacrifice our noble intentions if it means we will look back on the moment in which they reach their potential with pride.

King Charles III. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Tim Piggott-Smith, Oliver Chris, Richard Goulding, Charlotte Riley, Margot Leicester, Tamara Lawrence, Adam James, Priyanaga Burford, Tim McMullan, Katie Brayben, Nyasha Hatendi, John Shapnel, Parth Thakerar, Ian Redford, Max Bennett, Tom Mothersdale, Rupert Vansittart.

The vast majority of the country has not seen a day like it, the moment a crowned monarch passes on, the moment when pomp and ceremony, of tradition and unpalatable truths are laid out and given a public airing; to have a constitutional monarchy is to expect that nothing would be simple following a death in the family.

The Sacred Flame, Theatre Review. Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast:   Sarah Churm, Jamie De Courcey, Robert Demeger, Katrina Innes, Margot Leicester, Al Nedjari, David Ricardo-Pearce, Beatriz Romilly.

When is a murder not murder? It seems in the world of post First World War senselessness and when all those involved and affected by a loss of someone much loved, it can be easier to brush the whole sordid affair under the carpet.