Tag Archives: Lalla Ward

Doctor Who: Wave Of Destruction. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, John Leeson, Phil Mulryne, Karl Theobald, Alex Wilton Regan, John Banks.

We take radio for granted now, in much the same way as television, as any device that allows us to hear the words of another several thousand miles away from home, and yet we must remember what it must have been like to experience that sensation for the first time, the moment that radio burst into the home and allowed, for example, cricket fans to enjoy a day at Old Trafford, the first outside broadcast from The Albert Hall, and allow old soldiers to hear The Last Post from fields in France as commemorations of World War One were held to honour the fallen…we take radio for granted, but in the hands of dark forces, that benevolence of human spirit and endeavour can be turned against us

Doctor Who: The Paradox Planet/Legacy Of Death. Audio Drama Reviews.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, John Leeson, Simon Rouse, Tom Chadbon, Paul Panting, Emma Campbell-Jones, Laura Rees, Bryan Pilkington, Jane Slavin, John Banks.

The good old days of the multi-parter, where a story line could be really explored and taken beyond the realms of the expected 45 minutes, where the imagination not only gets fed, it is sated and not feeling as if it has been left out of the desert and wine list that inevitably follows a good dinner; all things are more possible in the land of the large and truly delved into story.

Doctor Who: The Labyrinth Of Buda Castle. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, Kate Bracen, Mark Bonnar, Peter Barrett, John Dorney, Anjella Mackintosh.

The key is information, how we translate the data supplied is down to the individual and how it is acted upon could arguably seen as a form of control. Information and secrets, the ingredients to winning a war, without either in your arsenal the battle is surely lost and as the Doctor prepares to fight a foe who makes much of how information is gathered, then the web he finds himself in under the foundations of Buda’s grand castle is enough to bite deep into the resolve of unravelling the facts of The Labyrinth Of Buda Castle.

Doctor Who: Wave Of Destruction. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10

Cast: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, John Leeson, Phil Mulryne, Karl Theobald, Alix Wilton Regan.

The insurrection of music in the 1960s, of having the bravery to go against Government control and play songs that not only inspire the young but in which the world now turns, was a battle that was worthy of any high sea drama and one that was important to win; one side in the war to play music that people actually wanted to hear against a near tyranny who wanted impose their own set of rules and standards…a war that that the unfortunate side effect of allowing advertising to creep ever further into the world and something far more disturbing.