Tag Archives: kenneth j. Nash

Kenneth J. Nash, For Sarah. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Sometimes you don’t need to have read a thousand-page novel to understand just how complex the life of the writer is, and how they are striving to illuminate the life of sadness, of melancholic love. Occasionally a string of carefully laid out vignettes will achieve the same aim, signed, sealed, and delivered with open heart, For Sarah, for all that feel the time to heal when tragedy or adversity, strikes at the very centre of our world.

Kenneth J. Nash, Luna. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It is the romance of the Moon that makes many songs come alive and take on extra meaning when looked upon with grace and favourable conditions; the muse of the Moon is such that when it is seen as the beautiful counterpoint of the rage of the Sun, it gives out a calming effect that all can steer their own personal musical boat by.

Kenneth J. Nash, The Fall Of Eden. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

To tumble from grace is to find yourself! There is a certain freedom attached to being so low that the view from above can be an inspiration. If you have everything then you are too afraid to lose it and The Fall Of Eden is a long and bumpy road in which there is heartache, pain and grief, but there is also the chance of redemption in liberty. It is a redemption and liberty in which Kenneth J. Nash captures exquisitely in The Fall Of Eden.