Tag Archives: James Wyatt

James Wyatt, Gig Review. Strings And Things, Studio 2, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It is easy to love James Wyatt, the young performer almost shyly stipulates such cool and terrific poise on stage that to not admire him, to not fall for the songs of bitterness, of despair and desperate longing in an unfair and charmless world, is to realise that your ears have long since given up the task they were appointed for, that this is music that sits very much in the same vein as some of the great performers at their most iconic and virtuous.

James Wyatt, Gig Review. Studio 2, Parr Street, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

A Sunday night in, the chance to rest, perhaps fall asleep in front of the usual television offering that the last day of the week affords, is a tempting offer. The weekend over, the winding down and wrestling with the thoughts of another seven days firmly implanted into the mind, is perhaps unavoidable and yet somewhere along the line, surely that means missing out on something nice, something tangible and with meaning, a sound that is haunting and beautiful, a set of songs in which the musician opens his heart live on stage and lets the words flow meaningful and with honour.