Tag Archives: Iain Till

Iain Till, In The Clouds. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

In The Clouds, so much goes on that we cannot comprehend fully the way it affects our lives, this once strange realm in which poets pondered and the visionary dreamed, where we believed that giants slept and snored, and in which flights of fancy are the now everyday as millions cross the clouds in search of adventure, home and freedom.

Iain Till, The Rise And The Fall. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

When Iain Till found himself back in the performance arena, not quite gladiatorial provisioned but still armed with a sense of hope, proportion and wielding a deck full of songs, he perhaps would not have expected to reach the point where the release of the E.P. was to be considered the norm. The climb is a hardy beast full of pitfalls and the descent, well that is only too carefully planned by hubris to really ever keep an eye upon. Such is fortune’s way of preparing for The Rise and the Fall.

K’s Choice, The City Of Music Two. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

The humble compilation album can take many forms. In now what seems at times the dim and distant past, as distant to the younger generation coming through now as Sir Edmund Hilary’s and Tenzing Norgay’s ascent of Everest to those growing up in the 1970s, the past when to have your say in music meant taking the pick of the songs you may have proudly bought or even embarrassingly hidden away due to the absurdity of the song and placed onto a C90 tape and perhaps even then handed over with much ceremony to the person you perhaps fancied, the compilation stood for something pure.

Iain Till, Gig Review. Brink, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The New Year is a week old and whilst many are feeling their way back into the way of 2014, the first stirrings of music can be heard through the alleyways and shelters from the inclement weather. If 2013 was a huge year for music in Liverpool, new artists and groups offering new blood to the sage, wise and considered, many brilliant bands from outside of the area and beyond making their way in some sort of momentous pilgrimage to the natural home of popular music and declaring that love with many hands on heart, then 2014 should be even better.

Iain Till, Oh, Sweetheart Of Mine. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

There is always a time to de-clutter, to take away the excess, the pomp and circumstance and just go back to a stripped back version of everything, to listen to a set of songs that just play along with the idea of simplicity and high value.