Tag Archives: Harriet

Harriet!, Those Three Words/Just Sign. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Those Three Words can hide a multitude of meanings, three little words which can profess so much and yet are often fumbled around in case of embarrassment or in case of rejection. We ask ourselves and those we have affection for to listen to be careful on how those words are used, in many cases we only ask for a Just Sign to appear, one of truth and one that Rocks.

Harriet!, Hidden Messages. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

There will always be those that say that different generations cannot relate to each other, that the signs and signals sent out by one, are at best taken as nonsense and that they haven’t lived yet, at worst, degraded to the point of supreme arrogance and as condescending as anybody could ever hope to achieve.