Tag Archives: Gig Review. The Brink

Alice Laybourne, Gig Review. The Brink, Liverpool. (2017).

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It is a sense of achievement that flows through the veins when you finally realise that the butterfly of hope and musical aspiration lands perfectly on your outstretched hand and you can sit in amazed wonder at just how fragile life can be but how also beautiful and exquisite it can appear when you truly see the wings beat in time with your own breath.

Pete King, Gig Review. The Brink, Liverpool. (2017).

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Sometimes you sit upon the shoulders of giants and the view is awe-inspiring, occasionally you get to watch a second generation musician come along and, whilst understanding they have their own belief in giants to contend with, you see the view they offer, from ground level, and it is one that shakes mountains.

David Barnicle, Gig Review. The Brink, Liverpool. (2017).

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Let the fates and the gods of irony roll as much dice as they wish, let Liam Neeson or Sir Laurence Olivier roam their fingers through their long, luxuriant beards as if contemplating humanity’s destiny and the fortune of one hero; for when you have talent and musical dogmatic authority on your side, the fates can roll the dice all they want, they can hamper your speech but they will never take away the power of the words or what they mean to the listener.

Gary Maginnis, Gig Review. The Brink, Liverpool. (2017).

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Let The Music Play On, a mantra for living, so much more vital in these desperate unfathomable times, in these moments in which swing from black moods and anger across every nation and in the souls of those who wish to bring destruction and mayhem to downbeat, the world is caving in on itself epochs; Let The Music Play On for it is the one thing that sooths the savage beast and keeps us in our place and grounded whilst giving us ultimate hope.

Derek King, Gig Review. The Brink, Liverpool. (2017).

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The much admired Jodie Schofield, the founder of the mantra Be Lovely Day, may have found herself in a different climate this last few months, but even having relocated to Cornwall, another pasture with its own sense of identity and which mirrors Liverpool perfectly, the artist’s excellent work carries on in a city that will never forget the music of SheBeat.