Tag Archives: Forgettable

Forgettable, Film Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * *

Cast: Rosario Dawson, Katherine Heigl, Geoff Stults, Cheryl Ladd, Whitney Cummings, Robert Wisdom, Isabella Kai Rice, Simon Kassianides, Jayson Blair, Marissa Morgan, Aline Elasmar.

It should be a refreshing take on an idea, the real life animosity that resides in the heart of a spurned ex-wife over the new woman in the man’s life, the lies, the sense of fragile and the broken manifesting itself as a potential weapon, of a rage boiling to its maximum, to the end point where the terrifying spectacle of what you see is the representation of all that can go wrong when women fight over a man. It is not the nicest thing on Earth to witness and it does leave you wondering exactly what women see in the opposite gender to make them go down the path of no return.