Tag Archives: Felicia Womack

Wallander, A Lesson In Love. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Kenneth Branagh, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Jeany Spark, Clive Wood, Kitty Peterkin, Harry Hadden-Paton, Terrance Hardiman, Barnaby Kay, Karen Gledhill, Joe Claflin, Cecile Anckarsvard, Richard McCabe, Marie Critchley, Glenn Doherty, Hugh Mitchell, Thomas Coombes, Felicia Womack, Miranda Pleasence, John Lightbody, Boel Larsson, Ann Bell, Marlene Sidaway, Mia Goth, Robin Gott.

There is a demon that stalks all of us, it will eventually claim us all at one time or another and as it sits waiting patiently for us to succumb, the only question worth asking is what form will it take?