Tag Archives: Emma Campbell-Jones

Doctor Who: Time War 5 – Cass. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Paul McGann, Emma Campbell-Jones, Sonny McGann, Nadia Albina, Gareth Armstrong, Nicholas Boulton, Nicholas Briggs, Michael Chance, Ian Cunningham, Indigo Griffiths, Jaye Griffiths, Grieg Johnson, Simon Shepherd, Homer Todiwala.

In all of space and time in which the Great British public have been entertained and engaged by the mysterious and enigmatic being from Gallifrey, there are a number of shocks reveals that assure the series, whether on television or in audio format, retains its loyal fanbase that one moment we all wish for, the surprise that keeps the tale blowing us away and allows that little shriek of former childhood to be heard as we revel in the moment and just what it could mean.

Miss Scarlet And The Duke. Series Two. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Kate Phillips, Stuart Martin, Cathy Belton, Ansu Kabia, Ian Pirie, Evan McCabe, Tim Chipping, Laura Rollins, Aiden McArdle, Michael Simkins, Jessie Cave, Dominic Mafham, Emma Campbell-Jones, Tristan Sturrock, Elizabeth Bower, Jason Thorpe, David Bark-Jones, Dan Cede, Katie Brayben, Rosemary Boyle, Phill Langhorne, Richard James, Milan Nikitovic.

The War Doctor Begins: Battlegrounds. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Jonathon Carley, Troy Alexander, Adèle Anderson, Rose Basista, Ken Bones, Nicholas Briggs, Emma Campbell-Jones, Julian Forsyth, Sarah Moss, Hugh Ross, Homer Todiwala, David Warwick.

We look at war as either the outcome, or we pick and choose the moments that we believe are the key points of significance, of the importance of scale in determining the battlegrounds that held the key to victory, or to the bitterness of defeat.

Dead In A Week, Or Your Money Back. Film Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Christopher Eccleston, Aneurin Barnard, Tom Wilkinson, Gethin Anthony, Freya Mavor, Nigel Lindsay, Marion Bailey, Emma Campbell-Jones, Velibor Topic, Carol MacReady, Marcia Warren, Nathalie Buscombe, Orion Lee, Eileen Nicholas, Cecilia Noble, James Kermack, Keir Charles, Tim Steed, Neelam Bakshi, Mark Penfold, Parth Thakerar, Ashton Henry Reid, Terenia Cooper.

There are themes within art that many find unsettling, they seek to disapprove and claim that such investigations into the world of the person seeking suicide for example as an answer to their problems and ills are mawkish, they believe it is a form of self-pity that should not be encouraged, dangerous perhaps and potentially threatening to society.

Doctor Who: The Paradox Planet/Legacy Of Death. Audio Drama Reviews.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Tom Baker, Lalla Ward, John Leeson, Simon Rouse, Tom Chadbon, Paul Panting, Emma Campbell-Jones, Laura Rees, Bryan Pilkington, Jane Slavin, John Banks.

The good old days of the multi-parter, where a story line could be really explored and taken beyond the realms of the expected 45 minutes, where the imagination not only gets fed, it is sated and not feeling as if it has been left out of the desert and wine list that inevitably follows a good dinner; all things are more possible in the land of the large and truly delved into story.