Tag Archives: Dora Colquhoun

On Charity, Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Alice Colquhoun, Dora Colquhoun, Izzie Major.

Guilt is something we should all feel when it comes to realising the further we go in life, the more we perhaps get on in the world, there will always be that despairing inevitability that others, through no fault of their own, will get left behind. Yet that guilt, that sense of responsibility we should feel towards each other as members of the same species is somehow jaded, lost and confused with the idea that giving your time to help another person is somehow to be rewarded and compensated with the freedom to brag and make light of it.

Rumplestiltskin, Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Aiden Lee Brooks, Cameron McKendrick, Dora Colquhoun, Shaun Roberts.

There are creatures out there whose only aim is that of self-gratification, assuredness so overwhelming that it is blackened, cheap and nasty and an arrogance that sits and festers at the heart of a life like a sweating, bulbous spider on fly filled web, heavily pregnant and with a seething desire to take anything that isn’t theirs. These creatures may still be recognised but the more as a species we have galloped towards a consumerism that is more consuming than helpful, the less chance we have remembering old tales passed down, tales of not accepting help from a creature of the neglected forest.