Tag Archives: Devon Allman

Devon Allman, Ride Or Die. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

There are times in the world when the mind starts to think just a little too much, that when all is said and done, the answers and the questions should be seen for what they truly are, just the musings of a child like race who doesn’t really get the point of life. They have every concept of genetically inherited flight or fight but they have no grasp of the ambition of the idea of Ride Or Die.

Devon Allman, Ragged And Dirty. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

There are times when it is all a musician can do is to play the notes that completes the soul, no matter how dangerous, no matter how solitary or seduced they make them feel, they must feel armed, perilous and ready for a new critical adventure; even if it makes them Ragged and Dirty.

The Royal Southern Brotherhood, Heartsoulblood. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

No limits, that’s all you can ever truly hope for in life. To be able to live with the knowledge that all that you have done is all that you could physically do; that there was no quarter given, no hidden page left unread and sequel available as every possible plot point and character development had been written in to the life story. Records and music is like that also, except that where the blood sweat and tears of one album runs deep into the furthest recess of the heart, there is always room for more of the same, or even a deviation from the artistic norm, of a second “difficult” album.

Royal Southern Brotherhood, Live In Germany. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

There are expectations that have to be met when listening to a live album. The first is that the sound recreated on a stage, possibly many hundreds of miles from wherever you are fortunate enough to actually listen to the gig, has to be able to make the imagination run riot, to revel in the flow and thrust of the guitar, to feel the sweat run down your neck in anticipation and to envisage the person infront of you in the audience nervously sweating along with you. The taste of the gig has to be captured just right, else it is lost and abandoned like an errant Victorian child left at the Poor House.