Tag Archives: Brothers Of Mine

Brothers Of Mine, Was This Love Or Just A Trick Of The Light? E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

You can expect the unexpected all you like, you can train your spotlight on any area, focus it into the depths of the echoing cavern, direct it into the sky and pinpoint where the stars are dancing to the Universe’s rules. Yet the unexpected shifts direction, it takes on a different hue and shape, and all of a sudden the exposed light finds that all it was aiming at was a black hole out of which comes nothing but intrigue and attraction.

Brothers Of Mine, Gig Review. Constellations, Liverpool. Shout About It Live.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

You cannot choose family, it is a readymade solution to helping you in sour times, it is the possible agony to be expected when life takes the sad or unexpected turn; family is shrouded in the playful and sometimes the jealous, without it though nature and society become off-balance, you can fall and your sister will pick you up, but quite often there is nothing more helpful at your back than knowing and saying to yourself that the Brothers Of Mine will be watching, ready and waiting for action.

Brothers Of Mine, The Answer. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Search long enough and you will find many answers, many truths in which the soul can hold onto and whisper to itself in the shadows that life has a way of persevering, that it can and must be ready for the moment when all that went before was just a prelude, a subtle introduction to the next stage of life. It is a tantalising prospect that we can grow enough and wise enough to see it flourish whilst we still breath freely and with youthful vigour.