Tag Archives: Betty Moon

Betty Moon, Hellucination. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

We have visions of where we want to be in live, the delusionary spell of wanting to live out our fantasy in places we can only at times ever dream of seeing, it is the same in how we wish the world to be, at one, harmonious, in keeping with nature and free from the phantasms that crow and screech in ill- tempered voices when all Hell breaks loose.

Betty Moon, Chrome. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Canada has always been quietly hip, the place to have some background in, it might not have had the appropriation of the vogue placed upon it as cities in America or Europe was lavished with by the so called fashionably elite, the Madison Square set or the Carnaby Street trendy. Instead, Canada’s appeal wasn’t in the passing fancy but in the long term benefits, its wide outdoors, the feeling of freedom perhaps untouched by centuries of interference by humanity, solid, dependable and rugged, the polish of elemental Chrome giving it a shine that has lasted in the 150 years of the name and the proud history before.