Tag Archives: Aiden Lee Brooks

My Clockwork Heart, Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Laura Campbell, Paul Duckworth, Andy Roberts.

Recorded Cast: Aiden Lee Brooks, Rosalind Henderson, Tom Galashan, David Llewelyn, Mike McCormack, Jade Thompson, Chris Hennessey, Adam Gilbert, Paula Simms, Patrick Dunn.

Freedom at any cost and the right to use your life how you see fit, two intrinsic, rightful, and powerful overtures to life that have been eradicated time and time again since the French Revolution. Before that it seems as if History allowed the common man the space to live and breathe his own, only asking occasionally to take part in war or be at the beck and call of the state. From The French Revolution onwards, the state has interfered more and more, to the point where even questions are asked about the most intimate details, perhaps even what would different about My Clockwork Heart.

Rumplestiltskin, Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Aiden Lee Brooks, Cameron McKendrick, Dora Colquhoun, Shaun Roberts.

There are creatures out there whose only aim is that of self-gratification, assuredness so overwhelming that it is blackened, cheap and nasty and an arrogance that sits and festers at the heart of a life like a sweating, bulbous spider on fly filled web, heavily pregnant and with a seething desire to take anything that isn’t theirs. These creatures may still be recognised but the more as a species we have galloped towards a consumerism that is more consuming than helpful, the less chance we have remembering old tales passed down, tales of not accepting help from a creature of the neglected forest.