Joe Brown, Joe Brown: 60th Anniversary Box Set. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

It is only in retrospective that we can see all that was built before we arrived on the scene, that we can fully understand what has been created, and the longer the endeavour, the more fruitful the discovery when we encounter it. No matter the time it takes to sift through the material, the regret you may have for not being part of the journey until perhaps it was too late, all that should be considered is that you have arrived to see the tower alight with wonder and with solemnity of emotion intact.

Today we seem to celebrate longevity as being part of the public eye for more than an album or two, hero worship is demonstrated by interacting with the one you feel that you can control and woe betide the object of the mass affection says or does something that angers the fan-base, for having an opinion that touches a raw nerve, for they are soon to find out what a fickle nature of a pedestal they occupy.

A hero should not be defined by the time they have spent on the musical front line, but for some hero is not grand enough a title, legend maybe, but for the down to earth Joe Brown, perhaps a man of the people, no matter if they have heard him play or know the songs he has made famous, is the greatest of accolades.

For those who reach such a milestone as performing and recording music for 60 years, it can only be right that the anniversary is marked in a way that is special, distinctive and fitting of such a British music driven personality and in the Joe Brown: 60th Anniversary Box Set, such a moment is explored and uniquely presented.

Alongside a beautifully arranged 48-page hard back book and a DVD, there are six C.D.s of music covering almost every part of Joe Brown’s illustrious career, and as songs such Rock My Soul, No Cadillac, Ragtime Cowboy Joe, A Little Bit Of This, Tennessee Rose, Money Fever, It Only Took A Minute and A Layabouts Lament show with such beautiful insistence and clarity, the musician’s musician as many of his peers bestow upon him, is a man who was always going to enthral and guide audiences into having a good time in his company.

For 60 years Joe Brown has graced the stage, and as he willingly shows as his tours continue, there is no sign, nor should there be, of him leaving it behind. Joe Brown: 60th Anniversary Box Set is sensational and appropriate way to salute a musician of such talent and ability.

Joe Brown: 60th Anniversary Box Set is released on physical formats on November 29th via Absolute/Universal.

Ian D. Hall