The Ego Ritual, Chakra. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

You cannot help but adore the strut, one of humble pleasure, but still a song and belief born of assuredness, of the Lincolnshire parade to which has been part and parcel of the last decade and which has meant that across from The Pop Dogs to The B-Leaguers to this new single, Chakra, from The Ego Ritual, proves that there is an enormous amount of energy coming out of that east coast county, one driven with absolute conviction by Jim Styring, William James Ward and Gaz Wilde.

The big strut, the big melody, when it comes out together and in unison, it fills the room with confidence, this is no meagre affair, no sense of misrepresentation as the overwhelming principle of Power Pop comes riding over the hill once more and scans the horizon, the charger setting forth and the lance poised to burst the bubble of the poisonous and shallow as battle is joined.

Chakra, is by any sense, the perfect introduction to a sound the listener has been gifted before, however it is one that plays a little heavier, one with freedom and tight control all in the same package and the trust that once again the conviction of the idea will follow through into an E.P. or album of the same high calibre that has swept across the emotions, the image of the charger and the steed in full flow a perfect combination to destroy the unwilling and undeserving who flop and twist in their appraisal.

It is the strut, the swagger of it all that catches the ear, one that will not allow the temper to die down and become forgotten, this is the custom you would expect from such notable musicians and performers, the tradition observed and the ceremony truly enjoyed!

The colours of this particular Chakra have been unveiled and they are a glorious addition to the music that has come out of the Lincoln area, a passionate reminder that Power Pop has no boundaries, only the rite to be.


Ian D. Hall