Cary Balsano, Horizon. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Despite it being engrained deeply into our D.N.A., we seem collectively to have lost sight of an ideal to which humanity once aspired to with every breath taken and with beat of pulse that ran through our body. Whether individually it matters is one thing, but as a group, as a society, we seem to have lost the ability in many respects to open up our minds to new adventures, to push back the boundaries in our own lives as well as those around us, we have lost sight of the next Horizon to conquer, to flourish within and make this world just a little nicer for those yet to come.

Sicilian Cary Balsano has ventured and sought out that sometimes fabled Horizon. Anybody who can leave the comfort of a home, of waving goodbye, even for a while, to the relief and security of a nation which offers much and goes in search of a different land, to hunt and explore beyond what they know, they are the ones who deserve our thanks, for they have kept a dream alive.  In Cary Balsano’s Horizon, the sky is alive with colour, definition and the quest for a song in which to illuminate further the land on the edge of the world.

The seven song strong album is that wonderful endeavour of purpose in which to search out for the endless is all consuming; one should never settle on the fire in the distance which sinks below the sea waves or the distant mountain range. The point is to go beyond, to stretch, to feel the muscles working and to see how they cope as you decide to put one foot in front of the other. It is the same with the craft of putting together an album, one step at a time, no rush, the horizon will wait, you just have to keep your eye on it and make sure you start that day.

In songs such as the initial single Horizon, Warm Whisper, Like Peter and Dance of the Night, Cary Balsano is not just a traveller in search of the edge, he is also the tour guide, he finds a way to show the listener the scenery and to also be amazed by just how beautiful it is to witness.

A tremendously enjoyable set of songs, Cary Balsano is a credit to the point of seeking out and discovering what initially can only be imagined; the Horizon is there to be found.

Ian D. Hall