Maddie Stenberg, Gig Review. Constellations, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

One of the most valuable lessons that can ever be learned is almost something that comes out of instinct and character; it is the intuition to keep going regardless is being thrown at you, to not give in to those obscene forces of the surface noise and the crackle of the amped and buffeted. It can be taught but it is an art that seems more natural if your impulse is to play through it all and still perform a great set.

Of all the festival and special days, the weekend musical imbibed parties and the sense of good hope that comes over the city wrapped in the holder of all things music and art, one of the most looked forward to has to be Beerdfest, it may be unseen by many but its element of fun and September distraction has become a firm favourite in the Liverpool calendar and opening up the proceedings is a huge honour.

With the L.I.P.A. sixth form beckoning and with music by her side, Maddie Stenberg is fast becoming a huge draw on the acoustic circuit, seemingly fearless, charming, open to her fans and most importantly a woman to whom the truth of her lyrics is appreciated and played over with mindful intent. The honour of opening up Beerdfest is not one to be taken lightly and despite the cruelty of electric equipment deciding that the torrential weather outside on the streets of the Baltic Triangle wasn’t enough to compete with, Maddie Stenberg determinedly strode on with head held high and gave a terrific account of herself and the music she employs; no electric fault or trouble with leads was going to stop this young woman from being insanely good.

The four songs Ms. Stenberg opened up, Voices, Mad Love, Change Is On The Way and the exquisite Do You Really Wanna Know Me all fired up the visitors to Constellations with much needed energy; the weather outside making a mockery of the thought of a balmy September, instead the rain came down as if it was The Mersey herself being turned upside down.

For Maddie Stenberg it is but another modest notch as she climbs the acoustic ladder but it is one that is important, to have this experience before heading off to the pristine days and hard work of L.I.P.A. is to know that something’s are so innate that you just carry on regardless, will be a huge bonus once that work begins.

Ian D. Hall