Daily Archives: July 20, 2014

Gary Edward Jones, The Cabinet Maker. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

You can listen to some people play live and know that the studio will not be as kind too them as what they sound like as they do in the raw, then there a select few that just fill the room with their life, their presence that every single piece of the being comes out and the seemingly random moments just become something so believable, so authentic and discerning that the microphone just wants them to play all night. Such is the emotion that a listener will get when they listen to Gary Edward Jones’ album The Cabinet Maker.

The 286, A Victory for the Battalion 286. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

There are times when the closest analogy, the biggest compliment you can give a group is to compare it to something from the past.

For the 286 and their E.P A Victory for the Battalion 286, to associate it with a solid piece of music from one of the finest bands from the 1960s should be seen as an honour and whilst the music fits neatly in the Power Pop arena, the E.P. goes beyond that and goes straight into the natural limelight afforded the heavily under rated band The Small Faces and the physical expanse that sits in the album Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake.